Public Plazas & Squares

Criminal Court Public Plaza

Arriyadh - KSA



STAFF | Daniel Neisser, Sofia Lopez, George Groiter

Following the construction of the general court with a public plaza, the ADA developed the criminal court complex adjacent to the general court. This space of the criminal court is an important link between Salam Park to the south and Qasr Al Hokm to the north. The public square surrounding the criminal court was developed beside the general court. As both buildings were surrounded with a public plaza, we felt it would enhance the space, when the two plazas were joined. This would create one large entity by closing the road separating the two plazas. Following an urban and traffic studies, the road closure was approved and our design allowed the two plazas to be conjoined. Based on the typical cultural or recreational use of plazas or maidans, we created lawn patches inside the plaza and hedges for privacy purposes, when picnicking. Security barriers surrounding the space were integrated as landscape benches or large bollards. The elevated podium around the criminal court was developed as a labyrinth roof garden. Upon entering, the labyrinth’s look and feel enticed spectators.